How to Get Motivated Running Again

8 Ways to Get-go Running Again When Y'all're Just Not Feeling It

By: Matt Frazier and Doug Hay

When you're on fire, yous know information technology.

Running is all you can think about. You lot plan your meals, sleep, and social life around your workouts, and although those runs may be tough, they're the best part of your day.

After each i, you experience unstoppable, and you can't wait until tomorrow, so you can do it all again.


When y'all're not on fire? When you're not living for each run?

Well, that's when running is hard. I'g talking really hard. It feels forced, and you know deep down that fifty-fifty if it looks like y'all're running, you're really merely going through the motions.

As a runner, this is a dark place to be in. Not because a few bad runs are a big deal, but because equally before long as running is no longer fun, it's no longer productive. You become into a training funk, where workouts aren't where they should exist, and your mental game isn't on indicate.

Runs go skipped. Workouts knocked down a notch. And race twenty-four hours disappoints (if you even make information technology to race solar day).

And though you lot may give yourself a pat on the back later you lot grind out a workout, you can't help but remember all the times when you didn't need to fight for each run — when y'all ran because running was all you wanted to do.

8 Ways to Break Out of Your Running Funk

Let me start by saying, "information technology's okay."

It's okay to get in a rut like this. It doesn't hateful yous don't yet beloved running. It doesn't mean you can't keep to accomplish nifty running goals. It just means yous're in a rut, apparently and simple.

And thankfully, ruts terminate.

I'k on the other side of a nearly year-long rut, and when I say that was discouraging and tough to bargain with, I hateful it. Running has been my life for a long, long time. And when I establish myself no longer wanting to do it, information technology was like I had lost a piece of my identity.

When you lot're in a funk that deep, quick tricks or hacks — similar listening to a podcast or testing out a new pair of shoes — just don't cut it.

So I fabricated some pretty drastic changes to the way I trained, and how I viewed my running.

Matt has been in that same boat before, and together nosotros've come up with viii means to break gratis of the funk.

If yous're having trouble getting yourself to run, no thing if it'southward because of the winter weather or it's within your head, we know the feeling. Here are actual solutions that have worked for us in the past, and tin can work for you today.

1. Have a goal that'southward bigger than any ane race. (Matt'southward Tip)

At that place'southward something to exist said for living in the moment — savoring the joy of achieving one goal earlier you look ahead to the next.

But then many times now, I've made the mistake of finishing a race and then finding myself goal-less when it comes to running. This error never fails to result in a period of prolonged laziness.

I'one thousand not proverb that as soon as y'all cross the terminate line of your half marathon, you need to start training for the next. What I advise, instead, is that you take a bigger, longer-term goal to do the work of keeping you motivated.

So mayhap your long-term goal is to run a marathon. When you finish your one-half, go ahead and gloat it with a massive champagne battle in a locker room covered in plastic wrap … but because you know your half was just a stepping rock to the bigger goal of a full, you lot won't be tempted to take three weeks off.

Which hands becomes three months. Trust me, I've done it.

2. Change the construction. (Doug'due south Tip)

Preparation plans tend to follow a specific structure: Long run on the weekends, a workout or 2 mid-week, and a few recovery runs. Throw in one-2 days off and the week is over.

When you've followed a plan similar that for any period of time, it begins to feel similar that'due south the only way to maintain your fettle. And when that structure breaks down for any reason, motivation breaks down along with information technology.

This is what happened to me subsequently having our infant. For awhile, I no longer had the time (or free energy) to get out for my daily run. The structure complanate, motivation collapsed, and the few runs I did arrive felt useless.

So I saturday downwardly and reworked a program far dissimilar than the normal structure: Three runs per week, two long and one fast. That uncomplicated shift worked for my schedule, and my attitude immediately shifted.

Your structure could expect totally unlike. Perhaps you're just running 20 minutes a day, or running twice a week and going to yoga, or spending time in the saddle on off days.

Sure, there may exist optimal preparation schedules for certain distances, merely rarely is your life in an optimal identify for training. Allow yourself to break free of that structure, and await at running and training every bit more of a fluid cycle than a rigid programme.

3. Rail information technology. (Matt's Tip)

When it comes to goals and routines, you'll run across a lot of benefits from tracking your results. Running is no exception — tracking helps reinforce the habit, especially when yous're trying to get back into it.

An interesting method of tracking I learned from Leo of Zen Habits is that of simply marking downwardly a "one" when you run, and a "0" when you don't. It'south a lot less intimidating to put together a cord of 1'southward than it is to take to write down every detail of every workout, especially when I'd be writing downwardly paces that I would have scoffed at when I was in acme shape a few years ago.

Meticulous tracking has its place, sure, only if writing down "1 mile warmup, 8 X 400m at 1:thirty, i mile cooldown" isn't doing it for you correct now, endeavor one's and 0'due south.

4. Cease running. (Doug's Tip)

That's right, I said it.

NMA'south resident running omnibus merely gave you the thumbs-up to cease running.

Because sometimes the all-time thing a runner can do is to non just run less, merely stop running altogether.

Even many of the world's all-time runners take weeks or months off during the off-season to allow the body and listen to rest. It's like hitting the reset button, and after several weeks of little to no miles, your legs volition nearly certainly be itching to hit the road or trail.

And just because you're not running doesn't mean you tin can't do other fun activities. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to try out a unlike sport or cross-preparation. You lot could:

  • Focus on total-body forcefulness.
  • Join a yoga studio.
  • Take up disc golf (my go-to these days…).
  • Dust off the wheel.
  • Try CrossFit.

Or any other activity that you've been meaning to attempt, just haven't had the time for because of running.

Or maybe… just maybe…

Spend a few weeks watching movies and taking naps.

five. Gear up a 4- to half-dozen-week preparation claiming for something wildly specific. (Doug's Tip)

I'm a challenge guy. Mini-goals within the context of a larger goal are big motivators for me to go out and push when I wouldn't otherwise.

With a petty construction, those mini-goals tin can terminate upwardly propelling you towards the larger race or preparation goal.

For example, after a tough race experience where the hills trounce me upwards, I took on a 4-week vertical proceeds challenge.

I've used run streaks, speed workouts, and strength practise challenges all to keep me motivated and improving.

To ready upward a challenge similar this, call up of something that volition be both fun and work on a weakness of yours. Mayhap it's consistency (run streak), climbing (vertical proceeds), or speed.

One time yous take the goal, be specific when designing the challenge. Found parameters and rules that provide construction you tin utilise to your training, and that will help keep yous in check.

6. Train with a friend. (Matt'due south Tip)

You ever hear that it's great to work out with a partner. They'll go on you accountable, so the advice goes.

If you're an introvert like I am, you lot've probably brushed it off and said to yourself, "That's not for me; I motivate myself just fine, thanks."

Simply if your running has stalled, make an exception and give it a shot. I'chiliad not talking about running every unmarried run with someone else, merely establish a standing weekend long-run group, or an early morning time outing once or twice per calendar week with a friend.

Knowing that someone is getting up just like you lot — even if they're only every bit cranky when they make it — can make all the difference.

7. Change what running means to you. (Matt's Tip)

When running came piece of cake to you lot, it was because it meant something of import.

Maybe that was a huge goal of losing weight, and now you've lost it. Or peradventure it was running a certain distance, and now you've washed it.

If it isn't going so well now, look at what running ways to you. If information technology still means weight loss, and weight loss doesn't motivate you anymore, you need to find another reason to run.

Instead of the former motivator, make it about breaking 20 minutes in a 5K. Or existence in shape to keep upwards with your kids.

Or make it almost something that has nothing to do with fitness — brand running your uninterrupted time each day to meditate, or to brainstorm, or to spend 15 minutes thinking of everything in your life that you're grateful for.

When you come across it in a new light, information technology's amazing how completely different you experience, even during the run itself.

8. Become a different type of runner. (Doug'southward Tip)

We runners tend to become set up in our ways. We figure out what works for us, and stick to it. We get comfy.

And comfortable is a motivation killer if I've ever heard of i. What likely drove you to running to begin with was some wildly inspiring, wildly uncomfortable goal.

And so what if you lot flipped it and reversed information technology?

… Do you lot typically run marathons? Try truly training for a speedy 10K instead.

… Do y'all typically run roads? Commit to weekly long runs on the trail.

… Do you avoid the rails at all costs? That's correct, railroad train for a wicked fast 400m or rails mile.

… Haven't run an ultramarathon? Maybe now's the time.

You tin can always get back to what's comfy, and you'll likely be a meliorate runner for information technology.

Taking Small Steps Out of Your Slump

The suggestions above are big — some very big — changes to the way yous train or think well-nigh running. Information technology'south those big changes that will likely have the strongest touch on on pulling you out of a running slump in the long term.

But sometimes the first pace towards a big shift is actually a small one. The tiniest acts — even merely five minutes — could be what kicks off a comeback. Each time you take 1 of these steps, you'll be grooving the habit deeper and increasing your desire to do it again.

Then take one or two of the large actions to a higher place and start to piece of work on information technology, only instead of going all in today, take your fourth dimension. Start with just a few minutes of running today, and a few more tomorrow. When the time feels right to jump in with a larger strategy, you'll know what to exercise.

  • i love this! and needed this and so much right at present. running has get less enjoyable so this calendar week i have allowed myself to run just 3 miles at a time. like you i needed to break from my mileage heavy weeks and go back to basics. thank you for reassuring me this is okay 🙂

    1. Yeah, it'south amazing how much fun a run seems when it'due south short. Information technology's similar you're a kid again!

      1. Cheers for thos bro.

        1. I needed to read this! thank you lot!

  • Great mail. I got really busy and stressed and out of shape in 2011 because of multiple school/work obligations, wedding planning, etc. –> which led to weight gain –> which made me less fit –> which made running experience terrible! But I slogged abroad every bit slowly and shortly equally I needed to and, finally, after months it feels good to run once more. Not every twenty-four hour period–some days information technology plain sucks. And I'm non as fast or fit equally I was a yr ago. But it'due south DEFINITELY getting better.
    I think you're right about lowering expectations and being forgiving to yourself. Do what y'all tin can and trust in the truth that slow, hard work will gradually pay dividends.

    1. It'south then hard for me (and you too, I imagine) to understand that the path to making really big changes and getting back your old fettle is non with massive jumps but tiny steps to build momentum… still struggling with the idea. But the more I acquire about change, that's what it's all about!

  • needed this bad! Thanks!

  • Wow, great minds think akin. I wrote the aforementioned kind of post today, more focused on maintaining motivation in the middle of the training cycle. But the recommendations are scarily like.

    1. You know, now that you lot mention it, I think seeing a tweet from Jason Fitzgerald nigh your mail… peradventure that had a subconscious impact on my pick of topic? Looking frontwards to checking out your mail to run into the similarities.

  • Similar to #2 Run Less, sometimes it helps to get your clothes and shoes on and merely go for a walk. It may stop up equally a run, it may non, but at the end yous'll be glad you got out of the house and off the couch. Don't worry, netflix will wait for y'all.

    1. Good tip, Amber. I'thou sure going for a walk is even less intimidating than a 5-infinitesimal run. Only it definitely gives y'all a lot of those same feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction (and sometimes more than and so).

  • I needed this desperately, as well. Thanks, Matt. I've been taking a break to focus on yoga and now that I'm starting to see results there, I think it'due south time to start putting running back into the mix.
    xx minutes it is!

    1. Or 10! Or 5!

  • Thank you so much for posting this, y'all have no idea how much I AM IN THAT FUNK Right NOW. I finished my get-go 10k in the frigid MN cold, and I sort of shut downward. I didn't take another goal set until March (a 7k) and then June (my first one-half).
    I've been in a slump for three to four weeks now, and I went from fifteen miles a week to 4. Pretty pathetic.
    Today I realized I merely accept 100 days until my half, and it kind of woke me up.
    And so this posting came only in time, thanks for that!

    1. Sure thing, Promise! But if you just needed a break from running then, no amount of mileage is "pathetic"! You lot'll be good for your half since you were running 15 miles a week recently. Just get started soon!

      1. Ok but what if I haven't run in like over a yr? And when I did run I did similar v miles tops..should I just go out and start running Because I want to simply i don't know if I can..this is weird but I experience similar if I won't be able to do 3 miles then I will just feel very frustrated and discouraged! anyways I hope you can reply I know all the pro runners on here probably don't feel this way only I need aid

  • Matt, you couldn't have written this post at a amend time. These by two months accept been trying times. I love running, just I feel like at that place's a rift betwixt how it made me experience when I started on this hazard 2 years ago and how I experience near it now. In fact, I can't remember experiencing as beatific a whirlwind of emotions as when I ran my first 50K last Apr. I've ran several since, only it hasn't been the aforementioned. I'1000 hoping my first fifty miler in half-dozen weeks volition rekindle that passion I once had for running. Nosotros shall see. Nevertheless, thanks for sharing your perspective.

    1. It's a hard thing to figure out. The jump from 50K to l miles might exercise it for you; the few weeks after my first 50K is probably the proudest I felt of what I had get every bit a runner. I took virtually a month off after that, and in hindsight I wish I would have started running again after a calendar week or so. So remember, in advance, about how you'll feel later the 50 and what (if anything) y'all desire to become for next. Good luck!

  • I was goal-less in January and it really impacted my mental land going into runs, I actually regressed progress wise. Luckily I found out about a one-half marathon and that helped me get right back on runway and I am loving every infinitesimal of it!
    I'll brand sure I bookmark this for the side by side fourth dimension I detect myself in a rut.

  • Something I did with my race schedule this year was to purposefully mix it upwardly. Starting with an ultra, to a one-half, pacing at an ultra, another half, an ultra, a break, a 5k, a 10k and then on. Dorsum and forth betwixt trails and road, long and short. I might as well add to your list volunteering at a race. Peculiarly a marathon or ultra. Cypher like seeing the joy others have for running to get amped. Information technology'southward contagious. Or existence able to cheer the dorsum of the packers on to a monumental goal. That's pretty cool.

    1. That's a great idea. The thought of training for a 5K, not as part of something else but for its own sake, sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe I'll give it a endeavour!

  • Perfect! Cheers for posting :0)

  • Great sharing Matt! Been going thru the aforementioned the last 2 months… and the smaller blocks really help in bringing dorsum the fun. I also get a boost out of running with those who are newly initiated to the joys of running and sharing with them my experiences….. it brings me back to the time when I was starting out and a mentor came into the picture show.

    1. Actually Paul, that might exist a big part of why running with my friend has been effective. He's relatively new at running, and well-nigh of the preparation we did was in preparation for his kickoff ultra, and then that did add together to it considerably, now that I remember most it. Not bad point!

  • Hey Matt. I felt the demand for a mental and physical break at the cease of last year. I defined my start appointment as the first weekend in Feb rain or shine. I found myself chomping at the fleck equally the day came closer. I was so excited to run that day. Even though I sucked wind a bit it was magic once again. I was able to fully detach and never felt guilty over my break. Snowboarding helped with that for certain. I've got several goal races this year culminating in my first Ultra in September. Soooo excited.
    Glad you are pumped once again and looking forrad to more ruining posts.

    1. Interesting, Jason. I just recently learned (from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits) that when you're inspired to make a modify, one idea is to purposely Non offset immediately. Instead, you set a date a week or so in advance, so that the apprehension builds and as y'all said, you're chomping at the flake to get started.
      I've never tried it merely I definitely will at present!

  • What motivated me was coaching the Rail Club in my Metropolis last year for their Cross Land season. I was getting into a estrus- I mean you go to a point where it takes a TON of effort just to shave a few seconds off of a fourth dimension, and you wonder if information technology's really worth it. Well, that was me. But, coaching kids actually helped me see why I loved running and I wanted to inspire them to beloved it also (so many kids don't- running is other sports' punishments, etc).
    With coaching, I ran with the kids, so I got a little workout in, but the kids are 6-eleven, so we simply ran maybe ii miles total at practice- and that was fine!
    Funny thing was, when I stopped worrying over so many grooming details and had footling people who inspired me, I PRed in the 10K :).

    1. Very cool, Amy. I oasis't done any coaching of kids at all, just it really does sound fulfilling. And I'd especially like to assist them run across running equally something other than a punishment!

  • Matt, that was shocking to read. But because I feel exactly that way at times. It was like my inner cocky talking. Great slice, a pure gem!

    1. Glad it helped you lot, Harish!

  • Thank you Matt for this article.
    I site that is smashing at tracking all kinds of stuff and visualizing it, is
    Information technology'south costless, it's motivating and you should give information technology a endeavor 🙂

    1. Very cool site!

    2. Thanks for the Beeminder plug!
      I should add together that it'south not *exactly* complimentary. We actually have a very baroque business model, explained at
      If you're looking for things that are totally gratis and just for tracking, non with the crazy commitment device angle (awesome as that is for people who are into that), then in that location are ideas here:
      Thanks again,
      Danny of Beeminder

  • OMG! Thank you for sharing that!!! I've been having such a hard time lately! can't find the motivation to get out and run. I don't feel like it, but I feel sooooo guilty almost it! It's comforting to know that fifty-fifty the best tin can experience that manner too.

    1. Haha, I'm not "the best." Far, far from information technology.

  • Thanks for this article…this is how I've been feeling lately about running…simply lost the spark and going through the motions. This article gave me a few helpful tips Peculiarly the 1 about not feeling guilty about not running! 🙂

    1. Definitely! If you lot feel guilty during your "break," I don't think information technology'southward really a break at all.

  • Dying to get back at it- broke leg and had rebuilt 14 weeks ago. Simply started walking on treadmill and almost upwardly to 1 mile. Volition start outside this weekend- Hope to run again in April and mayhap a race in May or June
    i am vi'eight and 300# so RACE is a stretch for theterm- I go to events and have fun running with 100-500 or xxx,000 friends.

  • Wow, this article and and so many recently have come to the aid of what you refer to as a "rut". I am so in that rut and beingness a runner, have been for almost a year, non a few weeks or fifty-fifty a month but a whole year. I ran some in 2011 and even did a few races simply they just weren't fun to me anymore and I recall that is where I lost my mojo for running. I lost the fun in the run. I did a 5k recently with a friend, only because it was her first and she asked me to and I forgot how fun they can be. I think I'thousand going to accept your advice and become back out there if simply for 5, 10, or 20 min. a few times a week and see how I feel. I go on to kickbox and do bikram yoga just I certainly miss my running.
    Thanks Matt!

  • Great timing Matt! After 10 marathons the past 8 yaers and running pretty much not terminate the concluding few years, I strained a calf muscle and after 3 weeks off and some cross training I idea it was ameliorate until yesterday when I ran the first 2.ix miles feeling great and it tightened up a bit again the final 1/10. Maybe information technology's time for an extended break and NOT feel bad virtually information technology. You are right! Sometimes it'due south difficult when I'm not out at that place and information technology seems like anybody else is. I need to remember there are other ways to enjoy a beautiful sunny day, or snowy day, or rainy day, etc…..

  • I have worked out and try to stay fit but running is my nemesis. Whatsoever advice for someone who cannot run for more than 3 minutes but actually wants to bring together Squad in Training in the bound?

  • Gosh it's astonishing how many people are going through this! I haven't enjoyed morning runs lately as I feel compelled to at least match my pace or improve from previous 24-hour interval. In past I made sure I mixed up runnng outside with treadmill only so cold here in Denver at 530 with lots of snowfall- I've been too lazy to venture out. Assuasive myself to run smaller distances is probably just the thing I should exercise! Thanks!!

  • Great article, Matt. I was 'off' for 3 months myself (plantar fasciitis helped) and am only start to become the burn dorsum. As one of my virtual running gurus, American 50k gnaw Josh Cox, put information technology, "A brusk run is infinitely better than no run at all". Dearest your ane-0 zen record-keeping technique.

  • I am not a runner, just this advice fits with working out more often than not.
    I especially liked the point almost allowing yourself to do less. In my experience, this is the key of success every bit often these "high expectations" tin can exist real killers.
    One time, I hear Gretchen Rubin of the "Happiness Project" say that her dad used to say that once you wear your athletic shoes and get out the door, then this is considered a run.
    Perfect demonstration of lowering expectations!

  • This article is just what needed! In Jan I ran my 1st marathon. Was so upbeat with preparation 3 days a wk and long miles on weekends. When the marathon ended I was living the experience! A person who trained me said I demand to slow downwardly a bit. I never listened! 3 wks ago, while running my knee started interim upwardly. I haven't run since. I am all ears now! Last wk I began walking w/o overdoing it. I am regaining my motivation. I rode 19 mi a couple of days ago. No issues! In fact, I believe this will exist how I arroyo running, mix information technology up with biking. The other factor with this injury is running shoes. Thanks once again for the article. My goal is to start off irksome and run another One-half right before summertime. Become back and train in one case againg for some other Marathon.

  • It'due south nice to know "it's non merely me". I have been reciting an "I suck big time" mantra considering I just haven't had the motivation i used to. I used to wake up in the morning and start planning how my twenty-four hours would fit around a run. And so everything stopped, I put on weight and I'd get down on myself that suddenly running 15 minutes felt like an eternity. What's wrong with me? Why don't i LOVE running like I used to? At present i realize that we all experience this oestrus and we all take dissimilar amounts of time to get over it. Here's wishing me, yous and the balance of the posters a really good for you and agile 2012!

  • hello matt! thanks so much for this post. ive been in a serious estrus and just like yous draw, annihilation less than my quondam baseline of 6 miles seems so lame…merely i am learning to permit myself be okay with xx minuters and its been neat. heres hoping my half marathon adjacent month doesnt turn out disastrous as a result…

  • Hi Matt!
    I've never been 1 to say "I *LOVE* running" but it has most definitely become a role of my life over the concluding four years. In the last 2 months, I have been the antithesis of this article – I have thankfully rediscovered my running mojo after a actually tough yr… And now my friend has asked me to get her back in the groove for a half in September – we ran our start one-half together 3 years agone 🙂 Thank you for this postal service – I appreciated information technology and am definitely going to pass information technology along!!

  • Thank you. I wanted to (but didn't want to 🙁 ) run tomorrow morning afterward iii weeks of vacation (and potato gratin) and was looking for some motivation. I think I merely found information technology! 😀

  • Thank you so much for this, it was timely. Went for a run with husband last weekend and I was left walking later him because I merely don't take the bulldoze anymore. I stopped running earlier this year due to kneepain and on doc'southward advice. Now I am struggling to return to my onetime love. I missed the rush and quiet – but final weekend I was then surprised at how easy information technology was for me to merely surrender and WALK! But I am taking your advice – small-scale steps then 🙂 Thanks and so much

  • Great commodity! Trained all final Spring/Summer for a half marathon in September and once it was done the predictable happened! So, I'g going to aim for the bigger pic of a full marathon in 2014, and practice at least two half marathons this year, along with the usual five and 10ks. BUT, I'm going to outset tomorrow with your 'only twenty minutes immune' rule and build up from there! What a BRILLIANT arroyo – none of the disheartening thoughts of "simply I was running 6-miles as standard a few months dorsum". Twenty minutes and no more – and a new Garmin to rails my progress! I'm feeling excited and motivated already!

  • Matt, Some good advice hither. I ran for almost 30 years with a few short breaks, then I took an most two year break. My wife and friends wondered what was wrong, I said I just demand a terminate from exercise. Now that I'one thousand trying to motivate myself to restart, I feel like it volition have a very long time to get back there. Breaks are practiced, simply you demand to exist mentally prepared for the work of getting back in shape.

  • Thanks so much for this. This is exactly how I've been feeling. Near 2 years ago I started running, started being the cardinal word. I'd never been a runner, unless forced to in gym class.
    One day I decided I was going to enter a 5K, and to brand myself accountable I annouced to every person I came into contact with. Yous can prototype my husbands shock. I didn't become from beingness a couch spud. I was fairly active in walking iii -5 miles a twenty-four hours and mountian biking, just not running. It literally became an obsession. I planned my whole twenty-four hours around my run!!!!!! After finishing the 5K and placing third in my historic period grouping, I no longer had anything to piece of work for. Since then I've entered ii more 5K's and placed 3rd in both, but the spark wasn't there. I despised the training and would ofttimes make excuses. But I withal loved the races.
    This morning before I left for work, I packed my running apparel, something I hadn't done in awhile. I accidentally came beyond this and information technology'due south the encouragement I needed. I'm ready to autumn in honey with running once again.

  • thank yous
    i really needed to read something like this. my motivation has been really down since december. it seems like i just gave up. just 20 minutes a day is realistic and maybe i tin build myself upwards over again. thank you lot

  • Loved this postal service on motivation and changing in up matt! In the past I got an injury on an vii mile run myself (achillies flare up) and rather and then be disappointed as i needed to heal it- i started a strength and mass gain programme which had no running and full recovery for max force. Results were I bulked from 86kg to 97kg and was ALOT stronger. When I went back to running 5mths afterward information technology was so fun once more 🙂

  • Wow, this was so absurd to read. I wasn't expecting it to cheer me up, but it certainly did. I'thou non a marathon runner, I just do it for weight loss, that experience practiced awareness and just because it's nice to do something to stay salubrious, but I was kind of feeling down because I got shin splints a while ago and I couldn't run for like 3 months, but I've recently started, so this was not bad. Thanks.

    1. Hey, this sounds a lot like me. I've taken iii months off due to shin splints and I want to get back into it, but I'm not sure how to tell if my lower legs have fully recovered. How did your legs feel when you started up again? It seems like mine are notwithstanding not perfect but that could just be because the muscles in my legs have shrunk quite a lot since I stopped exercising.

  • Cheers for this article. I finished my 1 and only marathon well-nigh iv years back when I turned xl. then I had articulation pains in my knees, ankles and cervix, so at my doctor's recommendation I have stopped running. and I merely couldn't bring myself to walk (it just didn't requite me the same enjoyment) and so, I let get of myself and did no concrete activeness. I detest how I feel (sluggish, lethargic) and every time I want to go back to running, I prepare these high goals of five miles or aught. 1 hour or nil similar I did 4-5 years back. anything less or brusque was simply unacceptable to some one like me who finished a marathon or and so I kept thinking and saying to myself. and when I couldnt run for fifty-fifty xv min straight, I would become discouraged and beat myself upwards and just give up for a few weeks/months.
    yesterday night, I came across a quote attributed to Babe Ruth "yesterday's home runs dont win today's games", it simply clicked. here I have been enjoying the fact that I trained for and finished a marathon, that I some how expect myself to run for ane hr direct now even later on a 4 year break… this morning, I told myself, I will run 1 and merely 1 mile no matter what and just stop. and I did. it felt so skilful to be able to set a goal and finish it even if the goal is drastically lower/smaller than what I have always set. the feeling of sense of accomplishment was no less. I decided to run for the residue of the week 1 and only ane mile a solar day. no more than that. I just desire to get dorsum into the habit of but getting out of the bed and going for a run.
    and now I came beyond your article.. and your #2. Run Less was exactly what I needed to hear and read again and over again. Thank you, Kay.

  • i'one thousand then sad, i haven't been able to run for 8 months now, I've been an avid runner for 10 years, and due to knee joint pain I took time off, went to so many doctors, done intensive strength grooming, glute exercises, had MRI's, 10-rays, ultrasounds, physical therapy, cortisone injection(bad) never again, had acupuncture, and PRP. I'm going crazy cipher is helping and i pass up to give up. I'm so pitiful, i run into runners out and weep. I see the mountains and cry I miss the trails, miss my friends, miss it all. I don't know what else to do. Considering stalk jail cell therapy, simply i tin't afford information technology, help help assist.

  • This was admittedly fantastic! I have definitely been feeling the "running funk" this year after being a competitive runner for about 12 years. That all ended when I got very sick for almost five months and now that I'thousand finally well it feels like the five mile runs even a few times a week are forced. It is devastating! I just want my love for running to come back! Your idea to get out and run for even 20 minutes has truly inspired me. I am already pumped to get out and run today 🙂 Cheers!!!!!!!

  • Thank you so much for this post and motivation!! Later my 2d Ironman in Sept I have backed off running for virtually 3 months. I've kept active with other workouts just non so much running and today I ran once again and it felt and then tricky and I am exhausted now all day. I appreciated your reminder to start slow. Even with 20 minutes or so and I can combine information technology with other things. Thank y'all. I will become back into running past mid January to train for my next Ironman.

  • I an SO glad I stumbled upon this. I used to run 64 miles a week, (no kidding) 8 years ago then I got really sick and stopped and gained weight over 200lbs. My illness was/is mental but I'grand getting amend. I just got dorsum from running 2 hours ago and I feel energized! My body remembers what it's supposed to practice nobody needs to tell you just the pull a fast one on is drinkable LOTS of what the day before.
    Running is mental every bit much as concrete GOD I know this. This advice is really good anybody is different.

  • Cheers for the commodity, it really made me feel a lot better at taking a break concluding winter! I'm preparation for my half now which is coming soon. And I am looking forward for my offset marathon this October! Tin't look, stay strong and keep running! 🙂

  • absolutely been in a runless funk for months! thank you for the motivation…. been a vegetarian for the final 25 years and a runner for nigh 12 years and hope to begin again!!

  • It's been great reading everyones comments. Thanks! I ran a marathon last year, loved every minute of it loved the training, LOVED running. I thing pb to some other and I've barely run since and i miss it so much, but I simply can't get back into the swing of things and my fitness has dropped significantly. I keep trying to leave for 3 milers to get me back in to it just i merely keep remembering when ten-15 miles used to be easy. My legs feel like cement! I'thou going to practice 20 minutes today. NO MORE!

  • Thanks….great commodity, I am just getting back into running subsequently a loooong break. The scrap about most allowing myself to take information technology boring at get-go, enjoy it and find my appetite over again is peculiarly helpful for me at the moment. Thanks again from a fellow non meat eater! 🙂

  • […] some dorsum posts of the No Meat Athlete, Matt Frazier, and institute myself gravitating to his post eight Way to Kickoff Running Again When You're Merely not Feelin' It. I take read information technology before, but I don't retrieve I ever actually *needed* to read it. Equally I went […]

  • I ran 3 times a solar day at my peak when I was in the forces simply when I came out my motivation went it was the couldn't exist bothered attitude just at present every bit the years have passed and the weight has been put on now practise I realise how stupid I've been so thanks for that pep talk its making me realise nothing is impossible

  • My mom got diagnosed with cancer and I just totally lost my motivation to run, consume healthy, or anything! I really enjoyed this commodity and it was and so motivating .. I miss running every day and I merely need to get out and endeavor! Thank you xoxo

  • I know that y'all wrote this article a long time ago only it's helped me as well every bit the many others who have commented. I took a 10 yr pause from running while I decided to explore the world of tobacco and alcohol 🙂 Fun!…or. Over the years there's been a few times when I tried to get dorsum into running and I was e'er able to make it upwardly to the iii or 4 mile marking with in a few weeks (even at a pack a day) but and then it would fade. I decided I needed a niggling motivation so I signed up for a half marathon in about 6 months. The whole half marathon affair aside my primary goal is to bask running again, the 20 minute cardiac benefit minimum always got me going in the past, but the small-scale habit changes are a newer tool that is proving useful (nerdfitness helped in that arena). Thanks for the mojo!

  • Sitting here in what seems to be an ongoing funk and decided to google "how to go dorsum to running". In 2012, I went running with my husband effectually a nearby lake, approx 5.6 miles, and couldnt fifty-fifty run 1/4 of the first mile. I sucked and was beyond frustrated. My husband is in phenomenal shape and very competitive. "I suck" got stuck in my head Large time! I went back to that lake every day and kept pushing myself to run that firat one/four mile and within 2 months, the run became the entire lake. Commencement time, completed it in well-nigh an hour and 40 minutes. Best time was 50 minutes and when that got wearisome, I started running the neighborhood. Lots of hills here and worked my way up to ten miles. All the while, I started with a personal trainer at the gym who was a fauna and pushed me beyond what I thought capable. Okay, he was hateful and I injure everywhere, every single twenty-four hour period just damn, I was in fantastic shape! Then information technology happened. Was a at a Mormon wedding ceremony 1000 of all places and my pes was broken in 3 places due to a rather heavy human being sitting his metal chair on elevation of my foot, not in one case but three times! Couldn't do anything for eight weeks and after that, getting back to the gym for a zumba course injure also much. By this fourth dimension, all motivation was lost. I also constitute out that my eldest son was secretly struggling with a serious addiction problem and that too, sent me into something I withal can't quite put into words. I lost my oldest son in Apr of 2013 to suicide, and having iii more boys, all my focus was on everyone else to help qnd run into them through information technology. Its now March of 2017 and I take been to the gym a scattering of times but nothing serious enough to go me back where I once was. All the same I know concrete action is fantastic for peace of mind, I tin can't seem to get myself motivated plenty to take even the smallest steps. My mind screams that I exercise something! I won't prevarication, I did not like running when I was doing it. Loved information technology as a kid and in Jr high & highschool track and field just as an adult? Nope, its tough! Perhaps I'm a sissy though I'd similar to call up not? Every speck of my beingness is wanting to get back to being active and in shape. I lived off of java and started smoking when learning of my son's troubles. My eating habits are quite embarrassing. I tin become days without eating. I tin can eat a lilliputian or eat a lot but generally drink coffee. Stress, bad eating and a broken heart has actually fabricated me quite ill. Couldn't stop throwing up from pains that appeared to exist stabbing in the liver? Did several tests and even went turned to naturopathy for assist. Learned I was toxic, went back to GI doctor and found that my gallbladder was the size of a large grapefruit. Was taken for emergency surgery merely was septic, did antibiotics for 24 hours, surgery and pain was gone! My digestion has not been normal since. Equally mentioned, my body is begging that I start investing in physical wellness, which led me to googling about getting back to running. I believe running will do wonders for not merely my body but likewise my mind! Its weird how the brain works in that if I went and ran for simply 5 minutes, I would feel dorsum to sucking. Funny affair is, information technology already feels that way because I do nothing and 5 minutes is better than that! Looks like I demand to go for a walk at that aforementioned lake and if information technology turns into a fiddling run, I'm on my way! Your article gives me hope, knowing that I am not lone in how the mind can trick on us. If you accept any more suggestions, I would very much appreciate learning about them!!!

  • I ran consistently six miles a day for the concluding 2years. Prior to that I would run about 7 miles twice a week and iv miles with weight training every other solar day of the week. I take been running for 11 years. Numerous clemency runs with family. I ran at 4:30am before work everyday of the calendar week. I got around 5 to five.5 hours a sleep. I was comfy with my weight. Then, over a 5 month menses running starting to be a chore. I had to requite everything to finish my 6 miles a day. I was starting to dreed it simply there was no mode I was going to finish. I felt incredibly off if I always missed a day. And I made certain I never missed more 1 day never 2 days in a row. I had never missed 2 in a row for two years.
    Then in Nov I fell roller skating and broke my tailbone and developed britis on my buttocks. I had to take 6 weeks totally off (I could barely walk notwithstanding alone run). I went to PT for six weeks. Since and so, I have started swimming. Major change in cardio fettle and my lifestyle. I take to go in the evening and at present I am getting effectually 7 hours of sleep. I accept to admit I practice feel much better since I have gotten more slumber. I as well have a peaceful loving cup of coffee with my husband. We accept v kids so peaceful times are rare. Even so, when I go to the gym in the evenings, I missed some time with my kids.
    I am now noticing the muscle in my legs are changing and I feel like I am gaining weight. I am actually frustrated and down.
    I am wondering if a trained coach could design a program which keeps my cardio system in shape, muscles potent and reduce the weight I accept gained. My married man and my kids don't believe I take gained weight. I am definitely non every bit toned. I want someone who can keep me in shape and help me progress back into running. Any suggestions?

  • Running always seems to exist the nearly effective cardio workout. However, I exercise experience some issues with animate. The problem is, I don't even get to the bespeak of feeling my muscles burn because I feel like my lungs are collapsing. This doesn't happen with any other conditioning. Is at that place some sort of breathing technique that could solve this problem? Again, this happens only when I'm running.

  • Hither's my dilemma afterwards I stopped running altogether: Information technology'southward like my whole body has inverse and it doesn't remember HOW to run!! I stopped running for 8 months – by and large from 1st time mom guilt and skipping workouts completely. My go-to became the elliptical machine. That was pretty much it, iii-4x'due south a calendar week. Consequently, my foot strike in my left leg is totally weird. I started hitting the ground with my toes on the left while my right pes hitting the ground heel-to-toe style, like I used to. Since a few weeks ago, I refused to succumb to full running failure. I have been run-walking hills and stretching, which has helped slightly. Through this re-training process, my left leg feels tight and like I'm dragging dead weight. I'm starting to reincorporate more lifting, swimming, and jumping rope. Simply, it has been an ordeal to say the to the lowest degree. Has anyone else experienced a like state of affairs? Advice? Tips?

  • Thanks for this. I just moved to a much colder country and has taken a break from running during winter and was just not motivated to get back. This actually helped me want to get back on the road!

  • This commodity was amazing. Thank y'all so much. Reading this helped me realize that it'due south okay to take a interruption after going difficult for years. It really helped me cope with changing up my running technique. I'm a sophomore in college and I've been trying to railroad train upwardly to the big leagues subsequently running in all of high school, only I've been battling a back injury for a full year now. I've actually lost a lot of motivation and running has become stale. But at present I see that I can set dissimilar goals for myself other than empty and shallow workouts.



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